Membership Fee $1,000 Annually (Payment credited toward total program costs)

One Time Implementation Fee $500


Each Individual Student Seat License provides access for one student to be enrolled in one elective course. Enrollments may be in any offered courses within the program. Minimum 50 seats.

Course Seat Package Licenses include three elective courses of choice. Price is per seat. Minimum 30 seats. Students may be enrolled in multiple courses to achieve the minimum. All courses include Direct Instruction (see below).

Direct instruction provides for a credentialed teacher/therapist to provide student and teacher-initiated direct instruction to one student in one course. The teacher/therapist acts as the teacher of record, responds to student-initiated email and text; grades assignments and assignments and assigns final grades; and moderates discussion boards.

Both licenses are reusable/refillable.

*The number with the description below refers to the number of seats purchased.

50-100 Annual Individual Student Seat with Direct Instruction $850/seat

101-199 Annual Individual Student Seat with Direct Instruction $710/seat

200+ Annual Individual Student Seat with Direct Instruction $590/seat

50-100 Semester Individual Seat with Direct Instruction $475/seat

101-199 Semester Individual Seat with Direct Instruction $385/seat

200+ Semester Individual Seat with Direct Instruction $295/seat

Annual Course Seat Package $1950/seat

Semester Course Seat Package $975/seat


Extra-Curricular Licenses are Individual Student Seat Licenses that provide access for one high school student to be enrolled in the extra-curricular dance program. The class may serve as a P.E. requirement for high school students. Supplies are in addition to the course price and vary depending on a school’s participation in competitions, conventions, workshops, etc. Minimum 5 seats.

Annual Extra-Curricular Individual Seat $850

Semester Extra-Curricular Individual Seat $425


The Professional Development License includes monthly training seminars and access to the monthly e-course platform for one year. A school must have students enrolled in the program to receive school membership pricing. Mentor training is a flat rate and is in addition to the license price. Minimum 10 teachers (Administration may be included to reach the minimum.)

10 Teacher License $300/teacher

11-20 Teacher License $275/teacher

21-30 Teacher License $250/teacher

30+ Teacher License $200/teacher

12 Mentor Training Sessions $1200 (May be individual or group)


Private Lessons are offered to students in dance, art, and film on a first come-first serve basis. Lessons may be structured as a part of a pull-out program or after school.

Private Lesson Tuition $2600 per discipline


The Integrative Arts Program requires a flat assessment fee of $350/student for testing in 3 areas of intelligence. Minimum 10 students.


Pricing is per hour and dependent on the service provided. Please consult Neuroeducational Therapy ™ at 404-609-2376 ext. 104 for specific billing services and information.


Integrative Arts Program

The purpose of the Integrative Arts Program is to recognize the interdisciplinary construction of knowledge and support intellectual and creative inquiry and analysis. This intentional, systematic stimulation of exploration encourages students to build bridges of discovery and understanding among the arts as well as other disciplines.

Member schools may request that the integrative arts program be added to their elective program by having each student tested in 3 measures of intelligence: Intelligence Quotient, (the capacity to learn), Emotional Quotient (the ability to monitor one’s own and others’ feelings and emotions, and the ability to use this information to guide one’s thinking and action) and Adversity Quotient (reactions to mental stress, perseverance, longevity, learning, and response to changes in one’s environment)

An educational therapist will share results with an administrator or designated school personnel and give recommendations on how to include the arts in various subjects to optimize the students’ learning environment.

Neuro-Education Arts Therapy™

Neuroeducation brings together researchers in neuroscience, educational psychology, and educational technology as well as practitioners such as educators to determine the links between education and brain processes.

The Johns Hopkins’ Neuro-Education Initiative focuses on teaching targeted to how the brain thinks and learns. The initiative has helped both researchers and educators realize the importance of gaining a better understanding of the individual learner. Discovering how a brain thinks and retains information for use can help better inform educational practices.

Neuroeducation Arts Therapy (NEAT™) combines the well-documented benefits from the arts, such as student engagement, creative thinking, and problem-solving, with brain research to assist both neurodivergent learners and traditional students alike. Therapy consists of identifying patterns of thinking and behavior and helping patients organize these patterns into constructive, rather than destructive applications.

Member schools may refer students to Neuroeducational Therapy™ and receive incentives.


Schools have 3 payment options.

When utilizing a payment plan, installment fees of 3% are added to all payments. Schools must enroll in the automatic debit system to qualify.

  1. Full program amount (Implementation fee waived)

  2. Two-payment plan:

    60% due with contract at enrollment

    40% due - Due November 1, 2020 (Fall Registration) or March 1, 2021 (Spring Registration

  3. A 4 month payment plan:

    40% of designated invoice - Due upon enrollment

    Remaining 60% divided into equal payments beginning October 1, 2020 (Fall Registration) or February 1, 2020 (Spring Registration) and concluding January 1, 2021 or May 1, 2021.

Integrative Arts Program Fees (Non-member schools)

Minimum 15 Students

Assessment Fee $600/student

Professional Development License Fees (Non-member Schools)

17 participants are necessary to be eligible for a payment arrangement when chosen as a stand-alone program.

Non-member participation Pricing:

10 Teacher License $960/teacher

11-20 Teacher License $930/teacher

21-30 Teacher License $900/teacher

30+ Teacher License $875/teacher

12 Mentor Training Sessions (Group max: 5 teachers) $2,000

Payment Options for Professional Development (when total invoice is more than $15,000)

60% of total invoice due with contract at enrollment

40% of total invoice - Due 30 days after enrollment